Train as you fight!  It makes no sense to train in a comfortable environment when you have to prepair for a conflict in a harsh envirionment. So preferably we train on different locations, from nature resorts to empty parking lots to office buildings. Of course we use a dojo when necessary and we use protective gear, but the idea is to get used to violence in day-to-day situations, also for reasons of practicing Situational Awareness.  


Our Instructors will evaluate your safety needs and construct a safety plan plus a training schedule. Training can be one on one or for a group of up to twenty students. A Martial Arts background is not required. A medical clearance is recommended.

Instruction is either in Dutch or in English, to your choice. 

In terms of costs, the following is a guidance:

- groups of    1-5  students :  € 25 per group for a training of 90 minutes

- groups of  6-20  students :  € 40 per group for a training of 90 minutes.

Depending on your location (we are located in the north-east of The Netherlands) a travel allowance of € 0,20 per kilometer will be charged when the distance exceeds 15 kilometers.       

An introductory training of 60 minutes is free of charge. Virtual training in addition to life training is also possible, depending on your safety needs. The fee for virtual training is € 15 per 90 minutes.

We offer special workshops for Women with focus on domestic violence and anti-rape. We offer anti-bullying workshops for Kids and Teens. Costs will depend on the number of hours (3 - 6), the number of particpants (max. 20) and the location.

So, if you are interested, apply for the introductory training. We recommend that you recrute a small group of like-minded people. Start improving your safety and quality of life now. We will be there for you. Use the Form on the Contact Page to get in touch. We will reply you as soon as possible to discuss your needs.

In our Training location close to Emmen (South-east Drenthe) you are welcome to join our regular classes. We have classes for adults (16+) and teens (12-18 yr.). We also have classes for Seniors and special classes for Women. Please get in touch with us using the Contact Page for training hours and fees. 


Companies might have specific needs. They might have employees working in shifts that need to pick up their cars at empty parking lots late at night. Or employees that have to deliver goods in ugly neighbourhoods. Or that have to face angry and aggressive persons. It will be useful to weaponize your employees with knowledge about situational awareness, de-escalation techniques and ultimately skills to defend themselves.

Or a Company may decide to start a Team Building program, in which employees must leave their comfort zones, learn to trust each other and build endurance. 

CRS offers challenging programs and the right environment to achieve these goals.

If the above mentioned services are of any interest for your Company, apply for a personal meeting without any obligation to discuss possible solutions. Use the Form on the Contact Page to get in touch. 

We will reply to you as soon as possible to set up a meeting.


Teach 'm young. CRS has a longtime experience with training youngsters in Awareness and Self Defense. We offer training for classes up to 20 students in the age 12 to 18. Not only will their skills and self-esteem improve, we have learned that it will stimulate them to grow up to responsible adults. Use the Form on the Contact Page to get in touch. We will reply to you as soon as possible to set up a meeting.